Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Having only started the Spanish army this year there's not much variety so far.  All services are lacking, but I hope to have doubled it's size by the end of the year.
 So far I have no end goal for these, but maybe it'll end up a corps and represent around 20,00 men.

Cavalry commander with Numancia dragoons behind
Neapolis regt. and massed infantry

Line grenadiers
A close-up of the grenadiers in line

Infantry masses

Rear view

Behind the Neapolis regt.

Command stands

The cavalry brigadier on the right is a head swap (!)

Massed battalions...

Fernando VII regt.

A typical line regt.

Infantry General

Villa Viciosa dragoon regt.



  1. 6mm head swops - we'll that really is impressive! Another nice looking force.

    1. Thanks Stryker, always nice to hear from you. Head swap was easy really.. I've actually done a number of them but only officers.

  2. An amazing and very impressive overall impression, superb mass effect!
